At the Intersection of
Geology, Chemistry and Mathematics
William W. Gould, Ph.D., P.G.
Henderson Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Groundwater Modeling
Vapor Transport Modeling
Groundwater Modeling Services
WWGeosciences offers groundwater modeling services
for remediation and forensic purposes. For remediation, we support site cleanup
and forecast the results of future courses of action. For forensic purposes we
ascertain the "who, what, where, when & why" of groundwater
groundwater modeling projects frequently require detailed evaluation of complex
industrial sites. WWGeosciences can interact with the site
investigators to obtain the hydrogeologic information necessary to generate
flow and transport models. Turnaround on preliminary modeling information can
be rapid enough to advise clients during an investigation already in progress.
WWGeosciences can also provide services for clients
with smaller sites. We have generated and used groundwater models to support
remedial decision-making for sites such as gas stations and can deal with data
gaps inherent in a limited investigation.
- Performed numerical modeling of
groundwater flow to determine extraction well location for water supply
- Constructed and executed
numerical model of buried valley aquifer in Northeast
Ohio to assess long term sustainability of proposed municipal
water well development.
- Developed simplified screening
methods for evaluating the migration of groundwater contaminants.
- Performed numerical modeling of
groundwater contaminant transport to locate probable sources of groundwater
- Developed in-house software for
graphical evaluations of water chemistry.
- Developed simplified software
for performing contaminant-leaching calculations.
- Performed analytical modeling of
partitioning, fate, and transport of organic contaminants between soil,
air, and groundwater.
- Performed numerical modeling of
groundwater flow and contaminant transport to determine possible extent of
contamination, evaluate remedial alternatives, or substantiate "no
further action" determinations.
- Performed geochemical modeling
of suxrface water and wastewater to support design of a constructed
wetland treatment system for industrial manufacturer.
- Performed numerical modeling of
contaminant transport in soils to evaluate the threat of future groundwater
contamination from present soil contamination.
- Used numerical model to predict
groundwater seepage into proposed pit to be excavated for the installation
of industrial machinery.
Successfully predicted both total inflow rates and proportion from
pre-existing contaminant plume.
- Performed document review and
unsaturated zone contaminant transport modeling and travel time evaluation
for compounds released from manufactured gas plant sites. Services were
provided for a law firm representing a gas company engaged in insurance
claim litigation regarding several sites.
Transport Modeling
WWGeosciences principals understand vapor transport,
and have been performing vapor intrusion modeling even before the USEPA
published their Johnson and Ettiger modeling workbooks. WWGeosciences also brings many
years of experience using models to evaluate the risk of soil-to groundwater
contaminant migration
- Developed spreadsheet models for
estimating volatile organic emissions from contaminated soils.
- Integrated use of vadose zone
leaching model with groundwater flow and transport model to evaluate
travel time for contaminant migration from source area to monitoring
wells. Model was used to resolve
dispute over liability for response costs.
- Developed simplified software
for performing contaminant-leaching calculations.
- Developed numerical vadose zone
leaching model on a spreadsheet.
- Developed spreadsheet to compute
vapor intrusion using the Johnson and Ettiger model
William W. Gould at 412-389-2859
email at
To arrange
a Consulting Agreement
Risk Assessment,
Statistics and Data Management
Geochemical & Hydrogeological
Environmental Forensics
and Litigation Assistance
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