At the Intersection of Geology, Chemistry and Mathematics

William W. Gould, Ph.D., P.G.

104 Henderson Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235

Geochemical & Hydrogeological Consulting

In case of a novel situation, WWGeosciences can give insights based on 6 years of research and 15 years of consulting experience. Aquifer testing, groundwater flow, groundwater contamination, soil contamination, contaminant migration from soil to groundwater, and risk assessment are among the areas where WWGeosciences can help.

WWGeosciences is available for major projects, and also is available on a retainer basis for rapid answers to technical questions.

Project Experience

  • Performed integrated evaluation of groundwater geochemistry, brine geochemistry, and site-specific stratigraphy to distinguish sources of inorganic constituents.
  • Developed spreadsheet to compute vapor intrusion using the Johnson and Ettiger model.
  • Modeled distribution of chemical species in aqueous solutions.
  • Determined interactive effects of solution composition, pressure, temperature, and flow rates on water-rock reactions in the geothermal environment and geochemical constraints on ore deposition.
  • Experimentally simulated the water-rock interactions in a geothermal system.
  • Located saline groundwater contamination using geophysical techniques.
  • Performed feasibility studies for bioremediation of petroleum-contaminated soils.
  • Performed site investigations, evaluated laboratory results, and used analytic and numerical modeling techniques to evaluate whether a site is clean or adequately remediated to satisfy criteria for release under state brownfields programs such as Ohio VAP and Pennsylvania Act 2.
  • Assessed exposure and risk and drafted documents for response to RCRA; Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA); and state regulatory actions.


General Geology

WWGeosciences is licensed as a Professional Geologist in Pennsylvania.

WWGeosciences can fill in at any stage of a geologic investigation, and can provide a discount from the normal hourly rates for fieldwork.

Project Experience

  • Evaluated and interpreted geochemical and hydrogeological data to assess groundwater quality and possible contaminant migration at state-regulated and RCRA waste management facilities.
  • Logged soil and rock borings and installed groundwater monitoring wells in unconsolidated and consolidated materials.
  • Planned and executed comprehensive soil and groundwater sampling and monitoring programs.
  • Developed groundwater cleanup plans for industrial facilities.


Project Experience

  • Prepared and characterized transition metal-interlayered clays.
  • Interpreted paragenetic relationships of minerals by optical microscopy.
  • Characterized single-phase and multiphase earth materials by x-ray diffraction.
  • Characterized fine particles by scanning electron microscopy.


Call William W. Gould at 412-389-2859

Or email at

 To arrange a Consulting Agreement


Groundwater Modeling

Risk Assessment, Statistics and Data Management

Environmental Forensics and Litigation Assistance


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William W. Gould, Ph.D., P.G.

104 Henderson Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235